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Welcome to Benudhar Rajkhowa Library and Information Centre
The central library of Khowang College was started in the year of establishment of the college. The library is the hub of different academic activities, providing access to information and knowledge to the college community. Presently the library holds 18,000+ books and subscribes various journals and magazines. The library has a good collection of encyclopaedias, dictionaries and books on competitive examinations. The library is undergoing through the process of automation with KOHA ILMS. The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of the College Library provides access to bibliographic records of the library resources such as text books, reference books, periodicals etc. The bibliographic record is fully searchable by author, title, subject, publisher, call number and other specific fields. The entire library complex is WiFi enabled. The library offers various services like circulation of books, reference service, reprography service, library orientation, book bank facility etc. Library membership is compulsory for all the students and teachers of Khowang College and it provide open access facilities to all users.